
Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring Cleaning & Free Download

Long time, no see guys! Teaching and coaching have completely taken over my life. But now that Soccer season is almost over, I can now focus just a little more attention on my dear blog.

Here is a confession: Teachers have a lot of STUFF!

I have accumulated more things for my classroom and home than I really need. Thankfully, though, I'm not one of those people that can't purge through her belonging because of reasons like, "Well, I might need that one day." My motto is: If you don't think you need it.... you probably don't need it. Simple.

And so, every April, I like to clean out my closet and small items. I admit, I'm not an expert at selling on EBay or Craigslist, but I try. After all, even if you see something for ten bucks, that's more money in the bank than you had previously.

Give it a try! Look through your many racks of clothes and donate or sell things that you really don't need. It's actually a very freeing experience. Plus, you will make room for more things, well, you really don't need again!

Keeping a log of what I am selling or giving away help me keep track of my things and it helps me see my profit in the end. I am currently saving for a house in the near future, so every cent counts!

Feel free to share with your friends!

Most Sincerely,

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thrown Together Meals

Teachers are known for, well, using what they already have, and I have learned that the same concept applies to our kitchens. There are weekends where I just don't want to leave home! And so, I try my best to use what is already in my kitchen. I like to call these "Thrown Together" meals, because I literally take what is in the pantry and throw it all together. Here is what was thrown together this past weekend....

What you will NEED:



Step 1: Brown left over chicken. Once cooked, add your choice of sauce or seasoning.
Step 2: Layer chicken across the BOTTOM of a casserole dish. My favorite dishes are Le Creuset in   Plum.
Step 3: Layer in CORN, BLACK BEANS, TOMATOES (cut), and AVOCADO (sliced)
Step 4: Sprinkle with any cheese of your choosing.
Step 5: Bake in oven at 350 degrees (F) for about 15 minutes
Step 6: Enjoy with a dollop of sour cream!

Please let me know how it turned out for y'all!

Most Sincerely,

Monday, March 9, 2015

Classroom Arts and Crafts

I love snow days, not just because they are a nice break from a teacher's crazy schedule, but because I get so much done! I think we all have little projects we want to complete, but it's so hard to find the time. That's why we have snow days.

Last week, as it sleeted outside, I finally completed a classroom DIY project I had planned for weeks. I found two small canvases in my closet a few months ago, and wondered if they could be used for anything. I am always trying to find inexpensive (or free) resources and decorations for my classroom. I looked at the blank canvases, saw a large Sharpie pen, and suddenly thought... Why not write my favorite quotes?

If you have curly and cute handwriting, this is the craft project for you! It's a simple procedure, you just need patience and a steady hand. The prints are now displayed behind my computer at work so that I have a little inspiration every morning. Here are the steps I took:

1. Place blank canvas on newspaper for table protection. Paint white (acrylic) so that the canvas surface becomes smooth. I preferred three coats.

2. Trace a faint pencil mark of the quote you have chosen, if you are uncomfortable writing free-hand.

3. Use a large Sharpie Pen to create your bold quote print.

4. Add a little graphic underneath the wording.

5. If your school permits, use a hot glue gun and post to your wall.


Sincerely Yours,

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow Day and TpT Update

Happy Snow Day!

School is cancelled today, so I took this opportunity to FINALLY post a unit plan to TpT that I spent a total of TWO semesters perfecting in grad school. I'm very proud of it, and I hope some fellow teachers use it in their ELA classrooms. It focuses on the Essential Question: How does government affect our daily lives? It includes 14 individual lessons, 2 PowerPoint presentations (slides), an essay with a peer and self evaluation, Jeopardy Review Game, and a final Photography Project.

This is my first BIG unit to post to TpT, so please leave a review or comment below!

Truly Yours,

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lesson Plan Template
I hope everyone is being extremely safe during our country's crazy winter weather. Here is something I have been working on lately. This lesson plan template is very loosely based on my Graduate programs formal lesson plan template. I think it includes everything you need in your lesson planning like: Common Core State Standards, desired materials, assessment, and differentiation.
Head over to my TpT page and check it out!
Truly Yours,


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Classroom Library- Printable
Good Morning Teachers!
Here is a cute printable for your classroom library. I have collected books throughout my higher education career, hoping that my future students would see them in my classroom and read them in their own free time. Though I have learned that not every student shares the same love for literature as I, they do, at times, want to take a book home and try.
I quickly learned earlier this year that I would need a system to keep track of which students checkout my precious novels.
This is a very simple template I added to my Teachers Pay Teachers account, so I hope you check it out!
Truly Yours,

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Soccer Begins

Good afternoon teachers!

Thanks for sticking around. First year as a teacher is hectic, and I'm certain you all understand. With that said, soccer season has officially begun! I want to do a series of how I have remained (somewhat haha) organized throughout our training season. And so, here is a very simple template of a team attendance record. This is a vital part of our daily practices, because knowing on record which players attend more practices, allows me to decide who will play more at competition time.


Truly Yours,


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jane Schaffer Writing Formula

Jane Shaffer Writing Formula
As I sit writing this post, thinking of information I have obtained the last two days during Professional Development workshops, I want to offer words of encouragement as we begin the next semester:
We CAN teach our students how to be intelligent... we just have to discover what TYPE of intelligences they have.
If you have found that your students express their intelligences through writing, I hope you take a look at the above table. This is an easy-to-read formula of the popular Jane Schaffer Writing Method. I use her method with all of my students, which include English students from 6th grade to 12th grade.
Using this worksheet as a guide will help your students organize their writing so that their language is clear and concise; and hopefully, their writing intelligences with shine throughout the year.
Yours Truly,